Thursday, July 21, 2005

Brain Drain in The Tech World?

Brain Drain in The Tech World?

Yup, another article on the dwindling enrollment of IT/CS majors and graduates, though this title was more eye-catching for me -- Brain Drain. Ok, so we're realizing that the US is continuing to lag behind other countries in computer science. We're now realizing that enrollments in related programs in colleges across the country have been continuing to suffer. This certainly does not bode well in turning the country around to become a leader in the computer sciences again. How can we regain our technical prowess and be a leader in this field when the enrollment of incoming students interested in this field continues to deterioriate?

What needs to be done to attract students back into this field? What is scaring them off? This article seems to point at the fear of outsourcing as one possibility. I agree in part, but there more going on than that.

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